54 research outputs found

    Laajakaistaisen CDMA solukkoverkon kapasiteetti makrosoluympäristössä

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    Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus on tutkia kuormitetun laajakaistaiseen koodijakomenetelmään perustuvan makrosoluverkon kapasiteettia. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää simulointien avulla, miten solukkoverkon palvelemien matkaviestinten käyttäjien eri tiedonsiirtonopeudet ja liikkumisnopeudet vaikuttavat järjestelmän kokonaiskapasiteettiin. Tehonsäädön ja samalla taajuudella olevien solujen välisen kanavananvaihdon toiminnallisuuksien ja parametrien vaikutuksia tutkitaan verkon kapasiteetin kannalta Tutkimus alkaa hajaspektriteknologian perusteiden ja UMTS:n (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) osan esittelyillä. Laajakaistaisen koodijakoon perustuvan verkon kapasiteetin ominaisuudet esitellään. Makrosoluympäristö määritellään ja sen perusominaisuudet esitellään. Laajakaistaista koodijakoon perustuvaa UMTS-järjestelmää mallintava simulointiohjelmisto kuvaillaan ennen tämän diplomityön simulointien ja tulosten esittelyä ja analysointia. Tämän tutkimuksen simuloinnit suoritetaan yksinkertaisessa esikaupunkityyppisessä makrosoluympäristössä. Laajakaistaisen koodijakoon perustuvan järjestelmän kapasiteetti käyttäytyy hyvin dynaamisesti. Kapasiteetti riippuu käyttäjien jakaumasta verkossa, tiedonsiirtonopeuksista, liikkumisnopeudesta, häiriön määrästä ja tehonsäädön ja samalla taajuudella olevien solujen kanavanvaihdon parametrien valinnasta. Puhekäyttäjien lisäys vaikuttaa enemmän suuria tiedonsiirtonopeuksia kuin alhaisia tiedonsiirtonopeuksia käyttävien tilaajien palvelun laatuun. Solujen väliset häiriöt vaikuttavat merkittävästi verkon kapasiteettiin. Alhaiset tehonsäädön virheet eivät vaikuta merkittävästi hitaasti liikkuvien käyttäjien saamaan palvelun laatuun. Samalla taajuudella olevien solujen kanavanvaihdon kynnysarvo tulisi optimoida, jotta voitaisiin saavuttaa verkon suurin mahdollinen kapasiteetti ja minimoida häiriöt

    Cost efficiency in area building

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    Aluerakennushankkeet ovat merkittävässä osassa useiden suurien rakennusliikkeiden toiminnassa nykypäivänä. Kustannustehokkuuden parantamiskeinot aluerakennushankkeissa on tärkeää selvittää, koska aluerakennushankkeen luonne eroaa yksittäisen hankkeen luonteesta. Aluerakennushankkeissa kustannustehokkuutta voidaan tarkastella kahdesta pääsuunnasta, jotka ovat suunnitteluratkaisujen toistettavuus ja tuotantoprosessista oppiminen. Suunnitteluratkaisut ovat pääosin samankaltaisia, kun tehdään useampaa rakennusta samanaikaisesti samalle alueelle. Tästä syystä rakennuosien ja toimintatapojen tuotteistamisella on tärkeä rooli kustannustehokkaassa aluerakentamisessa. Suunnitteluratkaisujen samankaltaisuus on etu myös tuotantoprosessista oppimisessa, jos aluehankkeen rakentamisen aikana kertynyt tieto saadaan periytettyä kohteesta toiseen. Parhaiten se onnistuu pitämällä työntekijät samoina koko hankkeen ajan. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin kustannustehokkuuden tehostamiskeinoja aluerakennushankkeissa teemahaastattelujen avulla. Teemahaastatteluun osallistui eri aluerakennushankkeen tehtävissä toimivia kohdeyrityksen henkilöitä sekä muutama aliurakoitsijan edustaja. Haastattelujen avulla saatiin selville missä Talo-80 nimikkeistön litteroissa on saavutettavissa kustannushyötyjä, sekä mitä etuja ja haasteita aluerakentamisessa on verrattuna yksittäiseen kohteeseen. Eniten hyötyjä on saavutettavissa työmaatekniikassa. Aluerakentamisessa etuja voidaan saada tuotantoprosessista oppimisen ja aluerakennushankkeen luonteen kautta. Aluerakentamisen haasteisiin voidaan vaikuttaa hyvin pitkälle suunnitteluratkaisuja tuotteistamalla ja tuotteistusta kehittämällä. Haasteita aiheuttaa myös aluerakentamisen luonne. Haastateltavien mukaan aluerakennushankkeissa tulisi edelleen kehittää tuotteistamista, vastuualueiden nimeämistä ja sitä, että pyrittäisiin vielä enemmän panostamaan samojen työntekijöiden pitämiseen koko aluerakennushankkeen ajan. Näitä osa-alueita kehittämällä voidaan saada aluerakentamisesta entistä kustannustehokkaampaa

    4D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets for Time-Dependent Data

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    The dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-ℂWT) is extended to the 4D setting. Key properties of 4D DT-ℂWT, such as directional sensitivity and shift-invariance, are discussed and illustrated in a tomographic application. The inverse problem of reconstructing a dynamic three-dimensional target from X-ray projection measurements can be formulated as 4D space-time tomography. The results suggest that 4D DT-ℂWT offers simple implementations combined with useful theoretical properties for tomographic reconstruction.Peer reviewe

    Gel phantom data for dynamic X-ray tomography

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    This is the documentation for dynamic X-ray tomography measurements of a gel phantom diffused with potassium iodide contrast agent. The measured data and additional materials are available at http://www.fips.fi/dataset.php and Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3696817) for open use by the scientific community, as long as the data and this documentation at arXiv are appropriately referenced. The files contain: (1) 17 consecutive measurements of the gel phantom organized into sinograms at two different resolutions (binning levels) and some additional metadata which can be used to create matrix-free forward operators and filtered back-projection reconstructions; (2) the first measurement using a greater number of projections, and an additional measurement of an 18th time step using very dense angular sampling, for example to be used for reference reconstructions; (3) short example codes to showcase how the data could be used to test and validate reconstruction algorithms.Comment: Actual data can be found at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.369681

    Comparison of the Growth and Thermal Properties of Nonwoven Polymers after Atomic Layer Deposition and Vapor Phase Infiltration

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    The growth mechanism of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on polymeric surfaces differs from growth on inorganic solid substrates, such as silicon wafer or glass. In this paper, we report the growth experiments of Al2O3 and ZnO on nonwoven poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), polyethersulphone (PES) and cellulose acetate (CA) fibres. Material growth in both ALD and infiltration mode was studied. The structures were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), attenuated total reflectance-fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Furthermore, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis were used to explore the effect of ALD deposition on the thermal properties of the CA polymer. According to the SEM, STEM and ATR-FTIR analysis, the growth of Al2O3 was more uniform than ZnO on each of the polymers studied. In addition, according to ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, the infiltration resulted in interactions between the polymers and the ALD precursors. Thermal analysis (TGA/DSC) revealed a slower depolymerization process and better thermal resistance upon heating both in ALD-coated and infiltrated fibres, more pronounced on the latter type of structures, as seen from smaller endothermic peaks on TA

    Comparison of the Growth and Thermal Properties of Nonwoven Polymers after Atomic Layer Deposition and Vapor Phase Infiltration

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    The growth mechanism of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on polymeric surfaces differs from growth on inorganic solid substrates, such as silicon wafer or glass. In this paper, we report the growth experiments of Al2O3 and ZnO on nonwoven poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), polyethersulphone (PES) and cellulose acetate (CA) fibres. Material growth in both ALD and infiltration mode was studied. The structures were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), attenuated total reflectance-fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Furthermore, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis were used to explore the effect of ALD deposition on the thermal properties of the CA polymer. According to the SEM, STEM and ATR-FTIR analysis, the growth of Al2O3 was more uniform than ZnO on each of the polymers studied. In addition, according to ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, the infiltration resulted in interactions between the polymers and the ALD precursors. Thermal analysis (TGA/DSC) revealed a slower depolymerization process and better thermal resistance upon heating both in ALD-coated and infiltrated fibres, more pronounced on the latter type of structures, as seen from smaller endothermic peaks on TA

    Generalist invasion in a complex lake food web

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    Invasive species constitute a threat not only to native populations but also to the structure and functioning of entire food webs. Despite being considered as a global problem, only a small number of studies have quantitatively predicted the food web-level consequences of invasions. Here, we use an allometric trophic network model parameterized using empirical data on species body masses and feeding interactions to predict the effects of a possible invasion of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), on a well-studied lake ecosystem. We show that the modeled establishment of Amur sleeper decreased the biomasses o ftop predator fishes by about 10%–19%. These reductions were largely explained by increased larval competition for food and Amur sleeper predation on fish larvae. In contrast, biomasses of less valued fish of lower trophic positions increased by about 0.4%–9% owing to reduced predation pressure by top piscivores. The predicted impact of Amur sleeper establishment on the biomasses of native fish species vastly exceeded the impacts of current-dayfishing pressures.H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: COMPLEX-FISH770884; Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 317495, 325107,340901; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Estonian Research Council, Grant/Award Numbers: PSG32, PRG1167, PRG709, MOBJD29; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Grant/Award Number: P190254PKKH; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant/Award Number: TREICLAKE 951963H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: COMPLEX-FISH770884; Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 317495, 325107,340901; Natural Sciences and EngineeringResearch Council of Canada; EstonianResearch Council, Grant/Award Numbers: PSG32, PRG1167, PRG709, MOBJD29; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Grant/Award Number: P190254PKKH; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant/AwardNumber: TREICLAKE 95196

    DevOps in practice : A multiple case study of five companies

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    Context: DevOps is considered important in the ability to frequently and reliably update a system in operational state. DevOps presumes cross-functional collaboration and automation between software development and operations. DevOps adoption and implementation in companies is non-trivial due to required changes in technical, organisational and cultural aspects. Objectives: This exploratory study presents detailed descriptions of how DevOps is implemented in practice. The context of our empirical investigation is web application and service development in small and medium sized companies. Method: A multiple-case study was conducted in five different development contexts with successful DevOps implementations since its benefits, such as quick releases and minimum deployment errors, were achieved. Data was mainly collected through interviews with 26 practitioners and observations made at the companies. Data was analysed by first coding each case individually using a set of predefined themes and thereafter perform a cross-case synthesis. Results: Our analysis yielded some of the following results: (I) software development team attaining ownership and responsibility to deploy software changes in production is crucial in DevOps. (ii) toolchain usage and support in deployment pipeline activities accelerates the delivery of software changes, bug fixes and handling of production incidents. (ii) the delivery speed to production is affected by context factors, such as manual approvals by the product owner (iii) steep learning curve for new skills is experienced by both software developers and operations staff, who also have to cope with working under pressure. Conclusion: Our findings contributes to the overall understanding of DevOps concept, practices and its perceived impacts, particularly in small and medium sized companies. We discuss two practical implications of the results.Peer reviewe

    Relocation of Nordic Manufacturing

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    Manufacturing industries have had an important role in the export-driven economies of the Nordic countries. Manufacturing companies from these countries have increasingly been moving production abroad in recent years. However, backshoring of previously offshored manufacturing is attracting growing attention among researchers and policy-makers. This phenomenon, and its consequences for the renewal of manufacturing, are yet little understood.The research project “Reshoring of manufacturing (ROaMING): Disruptive Technologies, Business Ecosystems and Performance Information as Key Enablers” focused on increased understanding of production relocation trends in the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. The aim was to create in-depth knowledge on the status of and potential for relocating manufacturing as a source of renewal of the manufacturing sector. The research approach consisted of quantitative and qualitative parts utilizing both available databases and new data collected through a large-scale survey and case research.The report consists of five main content chapters. First, the survey results of offshoring and backshoring trends in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, and Sweden are presented. Then we discuss the use of financial information in decision-making regarding manufacturing offshoring and backshoring. Thereafter the results of a study on manufacturing innovations and the adoption and implementation of new manufacturing technologies are reported. The fourth chapter presents the results of a study involving two manufacturing companies on the role of business ecosystems in manufacturing relocation decisions. Finally, the fifth chapter explores the global production investments made during the period 2005-2015 by large manufacturing firms with headquarters in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden.The results among the Nordic manufacturing firms indicate that offshoring is clearly more common than backshoring. The manufacturing relocations by Nordic firms are geographically wide-ranging. The most important regions for offshoring and of backshoring are Eastern and Western Europe, the Nordic countries, and China. Offshored production is typically cost focused, whereas production relocated to the Nordic countries is relatively complex and technology-intensive, seeking access to technology, skills and knowledge, and proximity to R&D and product development. Movement of production is expected to continue both offshore and back. The reinforcement of the Nordic countries as a strong base for high value-adding manufacturing firms can be influenced by policy measures and future research.Policy implications, as well as future research proposals are noted as the result of this study. Cost competitiveness in the Nordic countries needs to be ensured in relation to their reference group in the competition. This also exerts pressure for continuous productivity improvements through technological advances and process improvements. Access to skills, knowledge and technology are important factors for Nordic manufacturers to relocate production. Therefore product, process and supply chain innovation, as well as colocation of R&D and production, need to be promoted. Policy-makers need to pay attention to maintaining the Nordic innovation systems. Many firms seem to lack a clear strategy or analytical capabilities for manufacturing location decisions. Expertise on managing global manufacturing networks should be enhanced. Follow-up on the extent, drivers and benefits of production relocations of the Nordic manufacturing firms is needed to enhance the fact-based understanding of the longer-term trend of manufacturing relocations

    The associations between adolescents' sports club participation and dietary habits

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    For adolescent athletes, data on nutrition behaviors are limited. The present study aimed to evaluate the dietary habits of adolescent sports club participants (SPs) compared with those of non-participants (NPs). The cross-sectional study of 1917 adolescents aged 14-16 was based on data from the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study. The health behavior surveys were conducted among SPs (n = 1093) and NPs (n = 824). Logistic regression was used to test statistical significance of the differences in dietary habits between SPs and NPs. SPs were more likely than NPs to eat breakfast on weekends [89% vs 79%, odds ratio (OR) 1.46, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07-2.01] and to report daily consumption of vegetables (46% vs 32%, OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.69) and fat-free or semi-skimmed milk (72% vs 55%, OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.68). Dietary habits regarded as unhealthy, such as sugared soft drink consumption, were similar between the groups. The aforementioned healthy dietary habits are more frequent in SPs than NPs, and unhealthy dietary habits are equally frequent in the groups. Both adolescent SPs' and NPs' dietary habits have deficiencies, like inadequate vegetable and fruit consumption. Sports clubs' opportunities for adolescents' healthy eating promotion should be examined